RALLYA recovery in price after a period of decline.
RANGEWhen a price is trading between a defined high and low, moving within these two boundaries without breaking out from them.
RATEThe price of one currency in terms of another, typically used for dealing purposes.
RBAReserve Bank of Australia, the central bank of Australia.
RBNZReserve Bank of New Zealand, the central bank of New Zealand.
REAL MONEYTraders of significant size including pension funds, asset managers, insurance companies, etc. They are viewed as indicators of major long-term market interest, as opposed to shorter-term, intra-day speculators.
REALIZED PROFIT/LOSSThe amount of money you have made or lost when a position has been closed.
RESISTENCE LEVELA price that may act as a ceiling. The opposite of support.
RETAIL INVESTORAn individual investor who trades with money from personal wealth, rather than on behalf of an institution.
RETAIL SALESMeasures the monthly retail sales of all goods and services sold by retailers based on a sampling of different types and sizes. This data provides a look into consumer spending behavior, which is a key determinant of growth in all major economies.
REVALUATIONWhen a pegged currency is allowed to strengthen or rise as a result of official actions, the opposite of a devaluation.
RIGHTS ISSUEA form of corporate action where shareholders are given rights to purchase more stock. Normally issued by companies to raise capital.
RISKExposure to uncertain change, most often used with a negative connotation of adverse change.
RISK MANAGEMENTThe employment of financial analysis and trading techniques to reduce and/or control exposure to various types of risk.
ROLLOVERA rollover is the simultaneous closing of an open position for today's value date and the opening of the same position for the next day's value date at a price reflecting the interest rate differential between the two currencies. In the spot forex market, trades must be settled in two business days. For example, if a trader sells 100,000 Euros on Tuesday, then the trader must deliver 100,000 Euros on Thursday, unless the position is rolled over. As a service to customers, all open forex positions at the end of the day (5:00 PM New York time) are automatically rolled over to the next settlement date. The rollover adjustment is simply the accounting of the cost-of-carry on a day-to-day basis.
ROUND TRIPA trade that has been opened and subsequently closed by an equal and opposite deal.
RUNNING PROFIT/LOSSAn indicator of the status of your open positions; that is, unrealized money that you would gain or lose should you close all your open positions at that point in time.
RUTSymbol for Russell 2000 index.